
Friday, October 22, 2010

Bat Girl!

 I had to do some quick thinking in our house this last week.....our daughter, Sage is in 2nd grade and is very  into her school and school spirit.  Which I think is great, but this week is Red Ribbon week.  What is Red Ribbon week? Well its about saying no to drugs and each day is a different theme.  For example one day was wear a hat day "put a cap on drugs", follow your dreams! don't do drugs (so they wore pj's to school).  You get the idea.  Well yesterday was "Be A Super Hero Making Super Healthy Choices" and you were suppose to dress as a super hero.  So in my quick thinking like Mommy super hero skills, this is what I pulled out of my hat!  Sage had a purple t-shirt that had the Batman logo on it (as it was purple, it was Bat Girl) and she had a pink sequin mask (of course), but what else to do.................

How about a pink head band with Basic Black bats punched out from the Bitty Bat punch and glue dotted to it!!!  Viola!  BAT GIRL!!

Whew!  Those quick thinking Mommy super hero skills wore me out! :0)

Thanks for stopping by! Email me at if you have any questions!


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